Imagine a scenario where your password has been stolen by a hacker. Now your accounts are completely at the mercy of them. What do you do? Obviously...
Reciprocal Technologies Blog Two-factor Authentication • Page 1
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Phishing Attacks Are Besting Two-Factor Authentication–Now What?
What has proven to be one of the more effective ways of preventing phishing attacks may be under fire from more advanced threats designed...
Tip of the Week: Options to Secure Your Email Messages
Due to the popularity of email in the business world, it’s an extremely popular method of attack for hackers. They can easily send countless...
Tip of the Week: How to Leverage 2FA on Facebook
If you’re like its over 2.19 billion other active users, Facebook has quite a bit of your personal information stored in it, and the risks that this...
When it Comes to Security, Two Factors are Better Than One
The password isn’t nearly as secure as it used to be. Hackers have begun to take advantage of extremely powerful solutions designed to brute force...
Cracking Multi-Factor Authentication Requires A Lot More Than Guessing A Password
When discussing identity authentication when IT is concerned, the use of passwords is most likely the first thing to pop into one’s mind. However,...