A business with workers who stay productive is usually a successful one. There are tons of tips out there on how to stay productive, but one that...
Reciprocal Technologies Blog Quick Tips • Page 1
How to Get Your Spreadsheets to Accurately Add Time
Handling time calculations in a spreadsheet can often feel frustrating—especially when you’re just trying to add them up. Luckily, both Microsoft...
User Tips: Four Ways to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Monitoring Efforts
If you think about it, having more knowledge about most things is inherently better than having less knowledge about it. In business computing,...
Tip of the Week: Learn How and Why to Use Zipped Files
Sometimes, you might see a folder on your desktop that has a zipper on the icon. These are ZIP files, useful for certain purposes. Today, we want to...
Tip of the Week: Quickly Split Text Between Columns in Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a handy tool to help businesses keep their data organized… provided it has been used accurately and to its full potential....
You Absolutely Need a Password Manager in 2024
It doesn’t matter who you are; your age, your occupation, your employment status, your station in life—you need to make 2024 the year you get your...
Tip of the Week: Managing All Aspects of Your Phone Can Keep Battery Life from Being a Problem
We've all experienced the frustration of a drained smartphone battery, and if not, you've likely become accustomed to constantly carrying a charger....
4 Simple Network Security Measures That Could Save Your Business
With network security being more important than ever for businesses of all types and trades, it’s important that you make it a priority. Thankfully,...
How to Download Images from Google Docs, Even When it Won’t Let You
Google Docs is a wonderful tool that can rival the ubiquitous Microsoft Word, and as such, it’s used by all kinds of individuals, from business...
Tip of the Week: Use People Graphs in Excel for Data Visualization
With Microsoft Excel, you can use visuals to represent your data, providing greater context for the contents of your spreadsheets and making it...