Technology can do some incredible things, but there’s a reason why basic tools still remain popular even to this day. It’s because they cracked the...
Reciprocal Technologies Blog Windows • Page 1
Think Microsoft Will Extend Windows 10 Support? Think Again
Later this year, Windows 10 will no longer be supported—October 15, if you want to be exact. Are you taking steps to ensure you’re upgrading away...
How to Access a List of Your Recently Copied Text on Your Clipboard
If the fact that you can enable Windows to save a list of your most often-used lines of text is news to you, I offer you my sympathies. You’ve...
How to Get a Handle on Windows 11
Windows 11 has some cool tools that can make it easier to use, especially if you set things up to fit how you like to work or play. Here are four...
Bloatware is Annoying: What You Can Do About It
Most computers these days will come with their fair share of bloatware, i.e. unwanted software that comes preinstalled on the operating system by...
Tip of the Week: Bring Back Offscreen Windows
Multiple monitors can really amp up your productivity, but sometimes you will encounter situations where your PC might get confused and think you’re...
A Windows Vulnerability found in your Calculator? Here’s What You Should Know
Sometimes security breaches and hacking attacks come from the most unlikely of sources, even going so far as to utilize trusted applications to...
Tip of the Week: Deciphering Your Computer’s Power Options
Granted, you’re probably most interested in your computer when you’re using it. However, it is very important to consider what you do when you walk...
Windows 10’s Over 70% Market Share is Still Too Low
Windows 10 has seen a slow growth in its market share since it first appeared in July 2015, still rising throughout 2020 to now. As of this October,...
The Four Corners Your Network Security Needs to Cover
Network security is paramount to a business’ success with the number of security incidents and data breaches that could potentially upend it. While...