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The COVID-19 pandemic was the unfortunate situation that caused a lot of businesses to implement wide-scale remote work. Many organizations continue to use the strategy to their advantage. This month, we discuss a couple of ways your business can support your remote team.
Your workers may have the technology in place to do the work you need them to do, but it is a good decision to provide them with work-specific tools like laptops and accessories to ensure that they have everything they need to do the job they need to do in the way you need them to do it.
If you don’t want to do that, a monthly stipend that helps them pay for the increase in their electric and internet bills as they work from home. You can also give them some extra money to set up a comfortable workspace in their home. This can pay massive dividends.
With your team distributed, it can be difficult to fuel the collaboration that your business needs to be successful. One thing that can help your business maximize its collaborative opportunities is by providing the collaboration and communication tools that can really move the needle in terms of your productivity.
Some of the tools used by businesses, including cloud-based email, collaboration tools, and instant messaging allow for constant communication and the ability to work together to get things done. They can also be used—in lieu of in-person interactions—to help build the relationships necessary to improve productivity.
Regardless where the majority of your business’ productivity is accomplished, agile business processes will help sustain higher degrees of operational efficiency. This can be done through software, namely collaboration tools that combine instant messaging, forums, and third-party software integrations into one streamlined tool. Regardless if your staff is working across the country or across the hall, these tools are an asset in keeping projects on point, services running proficiently and business operations effectively.
If you would like to learn more about how technology can help your business be more productive, whether you have a centralized or distributed workforce, give Reciprocal Technologies a call today at 317-759-3972.
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