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Not too long ago, in order to answer your work phone or check the messages you had received from callers while you were away from your desk, you had to be in the workplace, at your desk. This is no longer the case, thanks to the proliferation of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and a particular ability that it gives businesses.
Let’s assume that you were travelling for business, but at the same time were expecting an incredibly important call back at the office from one of your contacts. However, since you’re traveling who knows how far away from your desk phone, it isn’t as though you can answer the call…right?
Actually, with VoIP, you can. As long as you have your laptop, you can install an application that will allow you the ability to access your telephone from anyplace with a connection to the Internet. With VoIP, you can make and answer calls, including conference calls, from your laptop, preserving your productivity during those times that you simply can’t be in the office.
It also is important to mention that some VoIP solutions can be installed on a smartphone as well, so if you subscribe to a Bring Your Own Device policy in your office, you can even answer calls to your office phone number on a mobile device. As a result, you are never left isolated from your necessary office communications, regardless of the circumstance.
Reciprocal Technologies can help you put a VoIP solution in place at your place of business. Give us a call at 317-759-3972 to get started today.
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