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How often do you find yourself closing tabs or windows, then immediately regretting it? This can get in the way of productivity, and while it might not be downtime, it is certainly an annoyance having to relocate whatever it is you just closed. Web browsers thankfully have functionality that allows you to completely eliminate this inconvenience.
We’re using Chrome for these examples, but the principle works largely the same for the other web browsers, practically right down to the keyboard shortcuts.
Close out of one of your tabs on your web browser. It doesn’t really matter what it is—we’ll help you get back to it (just make sure you weren’t working on a form or something that wouldn’t save). After you have closed the tab or window, you can right-click the Plus icon as if you were opening a new tab. Then you can use the Reopen Closed Tab option to reopen the last closed tab. This works multiple times.
The keyboard shortcut for this little trick is Ctrl + Shift + T.
It’s also easy to reopen a closed window in Chrome. All you need to do is open a new window for this test, then close it by clicking on the X button. To get back to browsing in this window, you right-click the tab bar at the top of the screen. If the last thing you closed was a window, you’ll see Reopen Closed Window in the place of the Reopen Closed Tab option. If you click it, you’ll see the window reappear.
The keyboard shortcut for this trick is also easy: Ctrl + Shift + W.
Hopefully you can use these little tricks to be a bit more productive with your workday!
For more great tips, be sure to contact us and ask our technicians.
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