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Do you use Google Drive as your preferred productivity suite and cloud storage system? You might be surprised that there are ways to take advantage of Google Drive that you may not have even heard of before. We’ll walk you through some of these tips and how you can take full advantage of them to get more out of your workday and increase productivity.
Back Up Your Data
You can back up certain data from your mobile device directly to Google Drive, and all it takes is a single tap in the Drive app. In one move, you can back up your device’s photos, videos, contacts, and calendar data. To get this started, just select Settings, navigate to Backup, and select which data out of the previously mentioned categories you want to back up. Once you’re ready, just select Start Backup. The process might take a while, so be sure to connect to Wi-Fi and plug in your phone to ensure that the backup takes place without a hitch.
Sync Your Files and Folders
In the near future, Google Drive plans on implementing a way to back up your files directly through Drive. While we’re waiting for that functionality, you can simply download the Google Drive app for your desktop, which will create a folder on your computer that is designed to sync with your Drive in the cloud. If you open Preferences and go to Sync Options, you can sync the entire My Drive folder or certain folders within.
Share Links to Files
Chances are that if you use Google Drive for your cloud system, you also use Gmail as your preferred email solution. Most email applications have a size limit when it comes to attaching files and sending them. Unfortunately for Gmail users, this size limit is rather small, which keeps you from sending large files. Gmail in particular has a 25 MB size limit for any attachments, but you can bypass this with Google Drive. With Drive, you can send links to documents instead of directly attaching them to the message, allowing you to share documents with other Drive users easily enough.
Do you have any tips on how to best use Google Drive for your business? If so, we’d love to hear them. Share them below in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to our blog for even more great tips and tricks from Reciprocal Technologies.
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