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With remote work standing front and center for the past couple of years, it’s no wonder that a conversation has begun about the benefits and shortcomings of it. It is now clear that remote work is something that is not going away anytime soon. Let’s take a look at how businesses might retain remote operations without making too many sacrifices in the process.
With a global pandemic raging worldwide, many people remained sequestered in their homes instead of traveling for work purposes. This forced isolation strong-armed many companies into remote work at first, but it quickly revealed that many employees simply do not need to travel to the office to perform their daily tasks. With remote technology, workers can flourish without making the morning commute, a premise that saves workers considerable amounts of money in gas and other transportation expenses.
Many methods of communication and collaboration have seen a change in perspective thanks to remote work. Meetings no longer involve filling the conference room with your contemporaries; instead, you fill a virtual meeting room. Whereas some folks might dominate the physical meeting space, everyone has more equitable access to the chat and other communication features to make their voices heard.
Of course, with all of these remote workers, security measures had to be beefed up, too. With so many users doing who-knows-what on their home networks, it’s natural that a zero-trust policy be enacted to ensure that every user, every device, and every application connecting to your data infrastructure is both verified and authenticated. This all helps to ensure that there is no unauthorized access to your data.
It turns out that remote work is excellent for the environment, as the commute is essentially eliminated and each employee’s carbon footprint reduced. In large enough quantities, it might just make a difference in the long term.
While some employees are perfectly fine with working from home, others feel the urge to return to the office and work alongside their teammates. The result could lead to what is called a hybrid workplace, where employees work remotely part of the time and in-house the rest of the time.
No matter your business’ preference, be it remote, in-house, or hybrid, we are confident that we can help your company implement the best technology solutions possible. To learn more, reach out to us at 317-759-3972.
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