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It’s likely that you’ve heard the different terms for Microsoft’s productivity suite offerings in the Office vein. A productivity solution like this cannot be implemented without considering each of your options, including both Microsoft Office 2019 and Microsoft Office 365. They might sound like the same thing, but they are both very different.
Even though the name differences might be miniscule, Office 2019 and Office 365 are meant for two completely different purposes. Let’s dig in.
The major difference to keep in mind between these two services is how they are delivered. No matter which service you’re using, you still get access to Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other applications in the Office productivity suite. Microsoft Office 2019 works in the same way as your traditional software solution in that the applications are located on your desktop, meaning they can be accessed locally without access to the Internet.
On the other hand, Office 365 is a cloud-based service that demands access to the Internet in order to stay productive. While this might seem like an inconvenience, know that Office 365 can be accessed on any connected device through an app or web browser, making it much more versatile under the right circumstances.
Depending on certain aspects of your organization, you’ll have a different preferred solution from others in your industry. For example, if you’re in a location where Internet access is unreliable at best, perhaps you’d be better off with Microsoft Office 2019 rather than Office 365. On the other hand, if you have a staff that travels a lot and needs near-constant access to important information, then perhaps the cloud-based solution is best for your staff.
Reciprocal Technologies can help you determine the best path forward for your Microsoft Office productivity suite. To get started, reach out to us at 317-759-3972.
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