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Most business owners are looking for a way to cut their costs. One way that many firms can see some cost reduction is to increase productivity through solid collaboration. Today, there are many digital tools designed to get more eyes on a project, but they may not completely fit your strategy. Let’s look at some strategies that are used to promote collaboration, and some tools that can fuel it.
Every business needs some small amount of collaboration to operate. After all, most people wouldn’t get paid without a little bit of collaboration. People from different departments always need to work together to make workflows move efficiently, get projects done on time, and create reliable revenue streams. Therefore, the demand for tools that integrate collaboration options is extremely high.
Some of the most helpful (albeit insecure) apps during the COVID-19 era are the video conferencing apps. They effectively allow teams to meet at the click of a button. This technology was valuable for businesses that have remote workers before, but since over 20% of businesses moved from onsite workers to having completely remote workforces basically overnight, businesses know how to better leverage it now. Additionally, many VoIP platforms come with video conferencing functionality.
Some of the most important features of a video conferencing solution include:
Video conferencing may be the tool your business has been waiting for without even knowing it.
There are new collaboration apps that have been developed with so many integrations that you can basically pick the tools you use inside the collaboration app itself. These apps are part online forum, part instant messaging platform. The combination of the two–and the addition of dozens of integrations–make available a centralized communication platform for project and service management, alike.
The productivity suite has been around for decades. Today’s productivity suite isn’t your dad’s platform, however. The modern productivity suite provides secure cloud storage, sharing, and sync; email; collaborative word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation; and more. These productivity suites are generally managed by the provider, which adds useful benefits.
The modern productivity suite is the epitome of collaborative innovation for the modern business. If your business would like to learn more about how to build a more collaborative business, or if you simply want to talk to one of our knowledgeable consultants about getting the technology you need to be more successful, call us today at 317-759-3972.
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