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Operating a business today takes extra effort, effort that largely revolves around the use of the right technology. Nowadays, more of this technology than ever is directed toward boosting productivity, largely through improving mobility. Let’s discuss how this works.
There’s still many business owners that may perceive smartphones as a weapon against their business’ productivity, and to a point, that’s not a totally unfounded viewpoint. Businesses lose, on average, 56 minutes per day of productivity on employee smartphone usage. This statistic alone can easily skew the impression of these devices and the value they can have to productivity.
Just consider what your employees can accomplish with a device that they more than likely have on their person most of the time. Mobile devices enable improved work processes in and out of the office—you just need to know what they can be used for.
Naturally, one of the most useful ways that your team can use their mobile devices is as a communications tool. Think of it this way: every minute spent using these devices for work is one less minute they’ll spend wasting time with them.
This can take many forms:
Collaboration is a cornerstone of successful business operations, so expanding your business’ collaborative capabilities improves everyone’s experience.
Yes, this entire discussion is centered around improving your productivity—specifically, through the use of mobile devices—and while there are some limits that mobile devices have, there are plenty of ways that they can prove their value. Numerous applications are available today to help effectively all of your processes, from sales and marketing to your internal operations.
This is where mobility really shows its worth. Your entire team can make use of their smartphones to keep track of tasks and responsibilities, schedule meetings, and otherwise manage the goings-on of the business. Many of HR’s tasks can be accomplished through a smartphone, as well, allowing more to be done to benefit the company.
Clearly, smartphones are here to stay, which means you need to have a plan concerning your mobile device management. We have a lot more to share about utilizing smartphones within the business setting, so reach out to us at 317-759-3972 today!
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